Donate to the Cause

Become a part of history and donate to the 1,000 Year Project!

If you’re inclined to help drive the study of long-living organisms, now is a great time to do so! The 1,000 Year Project is currently funded out of the founder’s pocket. Donations are greatly needed to help us drive the project forward, purchase equipment, and establish now as just the beginning of our future-history.

In our current phase, we are using 12MP trail cameras with a 4G connection and solar power. Microsoft has generously donated the server space, so all of our funds can go into hardware and data. Here’s what your donation goes to:

  • $10 pays for 1 month of data for a camera
  • $70 buys a solar panel for a camera
  • $120 covers the cost of data for a camera for an entire year!
  • $400 installs a new camera pointing at a new tree, to begin tracking!